Es Pisang Ijo

Posted by Gedget Review | 12:20 PM

Es Pisang Ijo is one food that is typical makassarese food ingredient is essentially a banana, then it is wrapped with banana flour that has been given a green color, then a banana that has been wrapped in flour then in steam for a while, and after that banana was presented with a white sauce made from flour and coconut milk cooked until thick, besides Pisang Ijo are also served with syrup and ice cubes.
es  pisang ijo

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Pisang Epe (Banana press)

Posted by Gedget Review | 12:13 PM

Pisang epe or banana press is one special food made from banana makassarese, then the bananas on the grill until lightly charred and slightly flattened in the press until after the bananas are ready to serve with brown sugar sauce.

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Losari Beach

Posted by Gedget Review | 11:20 AM

Losari is a coastal city located west of Makassar. The beach is a place for residents of Makassar to spend time in the morning, afternoon and evening enjoying the scenery very beautiful sunset.

Formerly, this beach is known as the center of grilled seafood and fish at night (because the sellers and traders operate only at night), and was mentioned as a small shop in the world's longest (for tent stalls lined along the beach which length is less over one kilometer).

One of the distinctive confectionery dijajak Makassar in tent stalls that were banana SPE (raw banana is burned, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water. At least good to eat while still warm).

Currently tent stalls selling seafood has been moved to a place in front of the home office of Mayor of Makassar, which is also still around Losari.

In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the seconds sunset sunset.

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Samalona Island

Posted by Gedget Review | 11:06 AM

Samalona is a small island in the Straits of Makassar, precisely on the southwest coast of South Sulawesi. Administratively, this island including the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi. Position more precisely located on the west district Wajo, Makassar, a distance of approximately 2 km and can be seen clearly from these districts.

To reach this island could use a fishing boat (boat with outboard engine) and the travel takes no more than 0.5 hours. On this island stands a lighthouse that is used as a sign of land boundary for big ships.

Samalona is an archipelago that could be seen clearly from the Citadel Fort Rotterdam in the area Keling - Makassar. Mandalika is only 500 meters from the edge of the cliff fortress Fort Rotterdam.

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Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, previously named Hasanuddin International Airport, is the airport located 30 km from the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi province. The airport is operated by PT. Angkasa Pura I. Although the status of international airport, since 28 October 2006 to July 2008 there had no international routes except for hajj flights after new international routes last Hasanuddin, Makassar-Singapore was closed due to a loss of Garuda Indonesia. Previously, Silk Air and Singapore Airlines have been closed in advance of their international lines to Hasanuddin. Air Asia re-open the Kuala Lumpur-Makassar route starting July 25, 2008.

The airport was experiencing the process of expansion and development which began in 2004 and planned for completion in 2009. Between the part of the development is a new passenger terminal with a capacity of 7 million passengers per year, apron (aircraft parking area) with a capacity of seven wide-bodied aircraft, the new runway along the 3100 meters x 45 meters, and the taxiway. Operation of the new terminal began on August 4, 2008 by using a long runway for a new runway was still under way. Now, Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Apron Already Operate new, new runways and a taxiway fruit.

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National Parks Bantimurung Bulusaraung (or abbreviated as TN Babul) is located in South Sulawesi, an area of ± 43 750 ha. Government administration of the park area is situated in Maros regency and district Pangkajene Islands (Pangkep). Geographically, this area lies between 119 ° 34 '17 "- 119 ° 55' 13" east longitude and between 4 ° 42 '49 "- 5 ° 06' 42" south latitude. In zoning, boundaries Babul TN are as follows: North side bordering Pangkep, Barru and Bone, bordering the East the Maros regency and Bone County, bordering the South and West Maros Maros District and bordered by Pangkep.

National park was designated a conservation area or national park based on the Minister of Forestry Number: SK.398/Menhut-II/2004 dated October 18, 2004. Currently managed by the Park Bantimurung Bulusaraung, based in Bantimurung, Maros, South Sulawesi.

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